Leia o excerto: “[…] onde quer que houvesse gregos, aí estava a Grécia.” (FUNARI, Pedro Paulo. Grécia e Roma.2.ed. São Paulo: Contexto, 2002. P. 9).
Sobre a Grécia antiga é correto afirmar:
- A) A formação do território grego se dá no contexto das invasões cretenses e no domínio que este povo empreendeu na península do Peloponeso, os macedônios foram os únicos a rivalizarem os cretenses neste contexto.
- B) As cidades-estado autônomas foram as principais contribuições da cultura grega para o mundo contemporâneo visto que muitas cidades acabaram por acatar o modelo de desenvolvimento grego, baseado na democracia ateniense.
- C) As muitas diásporas gregas possibilitaram à esta cultura se expandir por boa parte do Mediterrâneo, visto que a dificuldade de terrenos agricultáveis, as invasões e a organização social oligárquica impulsionaram migrações e o estabelecimento de colônias.
- D) Atenas e Esparta possibilitam compreender em sua totalidade as cidades da Grécia antiga, já que elas formavam duas coalizões de cidades que se comportavam como impérios, a Liga do Peloponeso e a Confederação de Delos.
A correct affirmation about Ancient Greece is:
C) The many Greek diasporas enabled this culture to expand throughout much of the Mediterranean,2C seen that the difficulty of agricultural lands, invasions, and social oligarchic organization triggered migrations and the establishment of colonies.
Explanation: The passage highlights the importance of the Greek diasporas in the expansion of Greek culture. The difficulty of agricultural lands, invasions, and social oligarchic organization led to migrations and the establishment of colonies, which in turn allowed Greek culture to spread throughout the Mediterranean.
The other options are not correct because:
A) The formation of the Greek territory did not occur in the context of Cretan invasions or Macedonian dominance. The passage does not support this affirmation.
B) Although it is true that city-states contributed to Greek culture, this option does not address the specific question of how Greek culture expanded throughout the Mediterranean.
D) Atenas and Esparta were important city-states, but they do not represent the entirety of Ancient Greece. This option does not provide a comprehensive understanding of Ancient Greece.
In conclusion, the correct answer is C) The many Greek diasporas enabled this culture to expand throughout much of the Mediterranean, due to the difficulty of agricultural lands, invasions, and social oligarchic organization that triggered migrations and the establishment of colonies.
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