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Fonte: https://www.google.com.br/search/democracia. Acesso em janeiro de
Na tirinha quando Mafalda lê sobre o conceito de democracia para os gregos no seu dicionário e pensa no mundo contemporâneo, ela “ri” incontrolavelmente pensando como é entendido na atualidade este conceito.
Para os gregos, a democracia
- A) se aproxima totalmente de como é hoje. Com uma falsa ideia de participação do povo nas decisões populares.
- B) era a atitude mais importante de todos perante sua comunidade. Todo grego podia participar da vida política e da democracia de sua polis.
- C) também não era importante, foi posta apenas como um conceito teórico, entretanto ficou sem repercutir verdadeiramente seu sentido.
- D) estava vinculada à noção de cultura e cidadania, ligando o povo a sua polis, estabelecendo um vínculo de obrigação e defesa na qual os cidadãos opinavam sobre o destino de suas cidades.
Hey there! Let's dive into the world of Ancient Greece and explore the concept of democracy.
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In the comic strip, Mafalda is trying to understand the concept of democracy according to the Greeks. She looks it up in her dictionary and starts thinking about how it's understood in today's world.
For the Greeks, democracy was...
- A) totally different from what we know today. They had a false idea of people's participation in popular decisions.
- B) the most important attitude of all towards their community. Every Greek could participate in political life and democracy in their polis.
- C) just a theoretical concept, without any real impact on their daily lives.
- D) linked to culture and citizenship, connecting people to their polis and establishing a bond of obligation and defense.
The correct answer is D) linked to culture and citizenship, connecting people to their polis and establishing a bond of obligation and defense.
In Ancient Greece, democracy was closely tied to the concept of polis, which referred to the city-state. The Greeks believed that citizenship and culture were essential aspects of their democracy. This meant that citizens were actively involved in the decision-making process and felt a strong sense of responsibility towards their city-state.
This bond between citizens and their polis was crucial, as it allowed them to express their opinions on the fate of their cities. In essence, democracy in Ancient Greece was about citizenship, culture, and the connection between people and their city-state.
So, Mafalda's thoughts on democracy might seem a bit confusing, but she's on the right track! The concept of democracy has evolved over time, but its roots in Ancient Greece are still fascinating to explore.
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