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Na tirinha quando Mafalda lê sobre o conceito de democracia para os gregos no seu dicionário e pensa no mundo contemporâneo, ela “ri” incontrolavelmente pensando como é entendido na atualidade este conceito.
Para os gregos, a democracia
- A) se aproxima totalmente de como é hoje. Com uma falsa ideia de participação do povo nas decisões populares.
- B) era a atitude mais importante de todos perante sua comunidade. Todo grego podia participar da vida política e da democracia de sua polis.
- C) também não era importante, foi posta apenas como um conceito teórico, entretanto ficou sem repercutir verdadeiramente seu sentido.
- D) estava vinculada à noção de cultura e cidadania, ligando o povo a sua polis, estabelecendo um vínculo de obrigação e defesa na qual os cidadãos opinavam sobre o destino de suas cidades.
When it comes to understanding the concept of democracy in ancient Greece, Antiga, we need to go back in time and grasp the essence of how the Greeks perceived this political system. In the comics strip, Mafalda is seen searching for the concept of democracy in her dictionary and thinking about how it is understood in the contemporary world.
For the ancient Greeks, democracy was not just a theoretical concept, but a practical way of life. It was not just about participating in popular decisions, but about being an active citizen in the polis (city-state).
Option A) is incorrect because it implies that the ancient Greeks had a false idea of people's participation in popular decisions, which is not entirely true. While it is true that not all citizens had equal rights, the concept of democracy was still rooted in the idea of citizen participation.
Option B) is also incorrect because it reduces the concept of democracy to a mere attitude, which is not the case. Democracy was a fundamental aspect of ancient Greek politics and society.
Option C) is incorrect as well, as it implies that the concept of democracy was just a theoretical construct without any practical implications, which is not true. Democracy was an essential part of ancient Greek life, and it had real consequences for the citizens and the polis.
The correct answer is Option D) because it highlights the connection between democracy and the concept of citizenship and culture. In ancient Greece, democracy was closely tied to the idea of polis and the citizens' obligation to participate in the life of the city-state. This connection is essential to understanding the concept of democracy in ancient Greece.
In conclusion, the concept of democracy in ancient Greece was not just a theoretical construct, but a practical way of life that was closely tied to the idea of citizenship and culture. It was about participating in the life of the polis and being an active citizen, rather than just a theoretical concept.
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