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Quando o rei Felipe II acendeu ao trono da Macedônia, realizou grandes mudanças em sua sociedade. Ele ficou conhecido, entre outros feitos, pela conquista das cidades-estado gregas, unindo a Grécia e assim possibilitando a vitória de seu filho Alexandre, o Grande, sobre o Império Persa. Umas das medidas tomadas por Felipe que teve grande importância para atingir essa unidade na região foi:


When King Philip II ascended to the throne of Macedonia, he implemented significant changes in his society. He became known, among other achievements, for conquering the Greek city-states, uniting Greece, and thus enabling his son Alexander the Great's victory over the Persian Empire. One of the measures taken by Philip that had great importance for achieving unity in the region was the confiscation of lands from large landowners and their distribution to peasants, weakening the elites and gaining support among the humble population.

This measure was crucial because it allowed Philip to gain the support of the common people, who were the majority of the population. By redistributing the land, Philip was able to win over the peasants, who were previously oppressed by the large landowners. This move also weakened the power of the elites, who had previously held significant influence over the government.

Moreover, this measure helped to increase Philip's popularity among the people, which was essential for his military campaigns. With the support of the peasants, Philip was able to gather a large and loyal army, which was crucial for his conquests. Additionally, the redistribution of land helped to increase agricultural production, which in turn increased the economy and provided more resources for Philip's military campaigns.

In conclusion, the confiscation of lands from large landowners and their distribution to peasants was a key measure taken by Philip II to achieve unity in Greece and pave the way for his son Alexander's conquests. This move not only helped to weaken the elites but also gained the support of the common people, which was essential for Philip's success.

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