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A respeito das características geográficas da globalização do mundo contemporâneo analise as alternativas.

I – A aplicação de informação, de ciência e de inovações tecnológicas ao processo produtivo permite a fragmentação da produção industrial à escala global.

II – As revoluções nos meios de transporte permitem encurtar o tempo de deslocamento entre os espaços geográficos, levando o mundo a se tornar uma aldeia global.

III – As economias passam a se regionalizar a partir do fechamento dos Estados nacionais a mercado internacional, constituindo assim os blocos econômicos regionais.

IV – Apesar de o discurso da globalização propor a dissolução das fronteiras internacionais, o Estado vem criminalizando a migração ilegal, a exemplo dos migrantes latinos detidos na fronteira do México e Estados Unidos.

Estão CORRETAS apenas as alternativas


Answer: B) I and IV.

In this question, we are asked to analyze the characteristics of globalization in the contemporary world. The correct alternatives are I and IV.


Alternative I is correct because the application of information, science, and technological innovations to the production process allows for the fragmentation of industrial production on a global scale. This means that different stages of production can be carried out in different parts of the world, taking advantage of the comparative advantages of each region.

Alternative IV is also correct because, despite the discourse of globalization proposing the dissolution of international borders, the state has been criminalizing illegal migration, as seen in the example of Latin American migrants detained at the Mexico-US border. This shows that, in reality, states are still maintaining their borders and controlling the flow of people across them.

The other alternatives are incorrect because alternative II is related to the reduction of transportation time between geographic spaces, which is a characteristic of globalization, but it does not directly address the fragmentation of industrial production or the control of borders. Alternative III is related to the regionalization of economies, which is also a characteristic of globalization, but it does not address the specific issues mentioned in alternatives I and IV.

Therefore, the correct answer is B) I and IV.

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