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De acordo com o geógrafo Milton Santos, vivemos num mundo confuso e confusamente percebido. Se desejamos escapar à crença de que esse mundo assim apresentado é verdadeiro, e não queremos admitir a permanência de sua percepção enganosa, devemos considerar a existência de, pelo menos, três mundos num só. O primeiro seria o mundo tal como nos fazem vê-lo: a globalização como fábula; o segundo seria o mundo tal como ele é: a globalização como perversidade; e o terceiro, o mundo como ele pode ser: uma outra globalização.


Em se tratando do mundo como é: a globalização como perversidade, qual a alternativa que melhor se aplica a esse mundo, de acordo com o olhar de Milton Santos?


According to Milton Santos, (geographer), we live in a confusing and confusingly perceived world. If we want to escape the belief that this presented world is true, and we do not want to admit the permanence of its misleading perception, we must consider the existence of at least three worlds within it.

The first would be the world as they make us see it: globalization as a fable; the second would be the world as it is: globalization as perversity; and the third, the world as it could be: another globalization.

In the case of the world as it is: globalization as perversity, what is the alternative that best applies to this world, according to Milton Santos' perspective?

The correct answer is D) For most of humanity, globalization has brought unemployment, which has become chronic, poverty has increased, and the middle class has lost quality of life. Hunger and homelessness have become widespread across all continents, and old diseases thought to be eradicated have made a triumphant return.

This alternative is correct because it highlights the negative consequences of globalization on most of humanity. The geographer Milton Santos argues that globalization has led to unemployment, poverty, and a decline in the quality of life for the middle class. Furthermore, it has resulted in the resurgence of old diseases and the spread of hunger and homelessness across the globe.

It is essential to note that globalization has not benefited everyone equally. While it has created opportunities for economic growth and development, it has also led to the exploitation of workers, the concentration of wealth, and the marginalization of certain groups.

In this sense, the alternative that best applies to the world as it is, according to Milton Santos, is the one that highlights the negative consequences of globalization on most of humanity.

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