Leia o texto a seguir.
Lucro menor – De acordo com o vice-presidente regional da Abimaq, Fausto Rezende, no geral, Minas Gerais acompanha a trajetória nacional, apesar de ser beneficiado pelo aquecimento da indústria extrativa mineral. Mas, segundo ele, as empresas mineiras estão reduzindo as margens de lucro, por conta da competição internacional.
Rezende explicou que em virtude das companhias mineradoras serem de grande porte, a cotação é feita tanto no Estado quanto no exterior e os preços pagos pelas mineradoras são os praticados no mercado internacional.
O conteúdo do texto exemplifica a complexidade das relações espaciais no atual período da História, no qual
- A) a competitividade entre as nações é definida pela maior oferta de mão de obra.
- B) o mundo encontra-se dividido entre países industrializados e não industrializados.
- C) a proteção ao meio ambiente se sobrepõe aos interesses econômicos.
- D) o espaço nacional é afetado pelo processo de mundialização da economia.
The correct answer is D) the national space is affected by the process of globalization of the economy.
The text exemplifies the complexity of spatial relationships in the current period of history, globalization and the international division of labor. In this context, the competitiveness between nations is defined by the largest supply of labor, as stated in option A. However, this is not the correct answer, as it does not directly relate to the content of the text.
Option B is also incorrect, as the text does not explicitly mention the division of the world into industrialized and non-industrialized countries.
Option C is not the correct answer either, as the text does not discuss the protection of the environment and its impact on economic interests.
The correct answer, option D, is supported by the text, which states that the vice-president of Abimaq, Fausto Rezende, notes that Minas Gerais follows the national trajectory, despite being benefited by the heating up of the extractive mineral industry. However, the companies are reducing profit margins due to international competition. This demonstrates how the national space is affected by the process of globalization of the economy.
In conclusion, the text highlights the impact of globalization on the national economy, specifically in the extractive mineral industry, which is a clear example of how the national space is affected by the process of globalization of the economy.
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