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Se farinha fosse americana

mandioca importada

banquete de bacana

era farinhada


Andam falando que nóis é caipora

qui nóis tem qui aprender ingrês

qui nóis tem qui fazê xuxéxu fóra

deixe de bestáge

nóis nem sabe o portuguêis

nóis somo é caipira pop

nóis entra na chuva e nem móia

meu ailóviú

nóis é jéca mais é jóia 


Tiro bicho de pé com canivete

mais já tô na internet

nóis é jéca mais é jóia.


Considerando a letra da música e o processo de formação econômica e social dos países subdesenvolvidos, é possível afirmar que


A internalização, (especially by the elite of underdeveloped countries) of consumption habits and cultural forms produced outside, and it's a characteristic mark of the formation process of these countries.

This response is correct because it highlights the idea that underdeveloped countries, especially the elite, tend to adopt consumption habits and cultural forms produced in developed countries. This internalization is a characteristic mark of the formation process of these underdeveloped countries, which can be seen as a result of globalization and the international division of labor.

The lyrics of the song, which seem to be a playful and humorous way to approach the topic, actually touch on some very real issues related to globalization and cultural identity. The idea that "if flour were American, mandioca would be imported" is a clever way to highlight the fact that many underdeveloped countries rely heavily on imported goods, including food products, and that this can have a significant impact on local cultures and economies.

Furthermore, the lyrics also suggest that the elite of underdeveloped countries often adopt cultural forms and consumption habits from developed countries, which can lead to a loss of cultural identity and autonomy. This is reflected in the line "and we wouldn't even know how to make xuxu outside", which implies that the adoption of external cultural forms can lead to a loss of traditional skills and knowledge.

In this sense, the correct answer, option B, is the one that best captures the idea that the internalization of external cultural forms and consumption habits is a characteristic mark of the formation process of underdeveloped countries.

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