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O conceito de cidadania foi sendo modificado no decorrer da história, restringindo ou concedendo o direito de participação política do indivíduo, conforme a sociedade.

Entre os gregos, no regime democrático ateniense, a concepção de cidadania era bastante diferente da atualidade porque _________________________________________.

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A política ateniense foi denominada de democrática porque possibilitava a participação direta e não representativa de todos os cidadãos. Entretanto, even though it allowed for direct participation, some citizens were excluded from participating in the political decisions. Only free men born in Athens and sons of Athenian parents had the right to citizenship, which excluded a large portion of the population from making political decisions.

This concept of citizenship was quite different from our current understanding because it was restricted to a specific group of people. In ancient Greece, especially in Athens, the idea of citizenship was linked to the concept of polis, where citizens had the right to participate in the political life of the city-state.

The Athenian democracy, despite its limitations, was a significant innovation in the history of politics. It marked a shift from the traditional aristocratic and oligarchic systems, where power was held by a few individuals or families, to a more inclusive system where citizens had a say in the decision-making process.

The Athenian model of democracy was later adopted and adapted by other city-states and civilizations, including the Romans. Although it had its limitations, the Athenian democracy paved the way for the development of modern democratic systems, where citizenship is a fundamental right of all individuals, regardless of their social status, gender, or ethnicity.

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