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Durante muito tempo, formaram‐se colônias gregas em diferentes regiões. Atenas e Esparta, as duas maiores forças econômicas e militares gregas, possuíam o maior número delas. Em relação às relações estabelecidas entre as colônias e as cidades‐estado que as dominavam, analise as afirmativas a seguir.

I. As colônias sofriam dominação cultural, embora pudessem manter sua autonomia política e econômica.

II. As colônias poderiam ser entrepostos comerciais, embora não pudessem mais produzir gêneros agrícolas.

III. A população da colônia, invariavelmente, era transformada em serva e era obrigada a pagar pesados tributos à cidade‐estado.

IV. A língua e a religião local das colônias poderiam ser mantidas, para evitar revoltas ou manifestações populares.

Está(ão) correta(s) apenas a(s) afirmativa(s)


Since this question was annulled and does not have a correct answer, I will explain why none of the alternatives are correct.

The relationship between colonies and city-states in ancient Greece was complex. Atenas and Esparta, the two major economic and military powers, had the largest number of colonies. The colonies, in turn, maintained their political and economic autonomy, but were culturally dominated by the city-states that founded them.

Let's analyze each alternative:

I. The colonies suffered cultural domination, but maintained their autonomy. This is partially correct, as the colonies did maintain some autonomy, but it's not the complete picture.

II. The colonies could be commercial outposts, but this doesn't mean they couldn't produce agricultural goods. This alternative is also partially correct, as colonies did engage in trade and commerce, but it's not a complete description of their relationship with the city-states.

III. The population of the colony was invariably transformed into servants and forced to pay heavy tributes to the city-state. This is completely incorrect, as the colonies were not forced into servitude, and tributes were not always heavy.

IV. The local language and religion of the colonies could be maintained to avoid revolts or popular manifestations. This alternative is partially correct, as city-states did allow colonies to maintain their local culture and religion to some extent, but it's not a complete description of their relationship.

Therefore, none of the alternatives correctly describe the relationship between colonies and city-states in ancient Greece, which is why this question was annulled.

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