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Platão, na sociedade idealizada em sua obra República, reconheceu que a divisão do trabalho traz maiores benefícios à sociedade e propicia um harmonioso intercâmbio de serviços. Para o filósofo grego, sendo os homens diferentes por natureza, cabe a cada um estar no lugar em que melhor expresse sua habilidade. (…) O também grego e filósofo Aristóteles apregoava que, nos Estados mais bem governados, a nenhum cidadão poderia ser permitido o exercício de atividades ligadas às artes manuais, pois isso o impedia de

dedicar mais tempo à sua obrigação para com o Estado.


(Paulo Sérgio do Carmo, A ideologia do trabalho. Adaptado.)


A partir das idéias de Platão e Aristóteles, pode-se concluir que há a defesa

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Resposta: C) de que alguns homens devem ser escravos.

A resposta correta é a letra C) de que alguns homens devem ser escravos. Isso porque,<|begin_of_text|> This is because, according to the ideas of Plato and Aristotle, in an ideal society, there would be a division of labor where each individual would perform the task that best suited their natural abilities. For Aristotle, in the best-governed states, no citizen would be allowed to engage in manual labor, as this would prevent them from dedicating themselves to their obligations to the state.

Plato, in his work "The Republic", recognized that the division of labor brings greater benefits to society and promotes a harmonious exchange of services. For the Greek philosopher, since men are different by nature, each one should be in the place where they best express their ability. In this sense, some men would be destined to be slaves, as they would not have the same intellectual or physical abilities as others.

This idea of Aristotle and Plato reflects a aristocratic and elitist vision of society, where some individuals are considered superior to others and are therefore destined to rule or perform more intellectual tasks, while others are relegated to manual labor or even slavery.

Therefore, the correct answer is C) de que alguns homens devem ser escravos, which reflects the aristocratic and elitist vision of ancient Greek philosophers.

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