Quando falamos de Grécia Antiga, falamos de uma região que era inicialmente habitada por várias tribos independentes, que muitas vezes rivalizavam entre si. Destas tribos se destacaram os aqueus (que fundaram o Reino de Minos), os eólios(Macedônia), os dórios (Esparta) e os jônios (Atenas).
Neste sentido, podemos corretamente afirmar:
- A) Na região onde se instalou, cada uma das tribos fundou uma importante cidade-Estado, das quais se destacaram Esparta e Atenas.
- B) As polis gregas eram grupamentos sociais menores que as Cidades-Estados dependentes entre si de um único um sistema administrativo próprio. Se a democracia nasceu em Atenas, em Esparta ela nunca teve espaço.
- C) No campo político-econômico, as duas cidades viviam da agricultura, da pecuária e do comércio de longa distância. Para melhorar suas relações comerciais e militares, Esparta fundou a Liga de Delos (nome da região sul da Grécia, onde ficava a cidade).
- D) A liderança na Liga de Delos impulsionou a economia espartana e fez prosperar o comércio daquela cidade-Estado.
- E) O auge de Esparta ocorreu durante o governo democrático de Péricles (461-431 a.C.). Apesar de garantir grande prosperidade à Atenas, foi também nesta época que a rivalidade com os espartanos foi acentuada.
When we talk about Ancient Greece, we talk about a region that was initially inhabited by various independent tribes, which often rivalled each other. Among these tribes, the Achaeans (who founded the Kingdom of Minos), the Aeolians (Macedonia), the Dorians (Sparta) and the Ionians (Athens) stood out.
In this sense, we can correctly affirm that:
- A) In the region where they settled, each of the tribes founded an important city-state, with Sparta and Athens standing out. This is because each tribe, upon settling in a specific region, founded a city-state that would later become a prominent entity in the Ancient Greek world. This is how cities like Sparta and Athens emerged, each with their own distinct characteristics and contributions to the region.
It's worth noting that these city-states were not mere groups of people living together; rather, they were complex societies with their own governments, economies, and cultures. The city-state of Athens, for example, was known for its democratic governance, while Sparta was famous for its militaristic society.
The rivalry between these city-states, particularly between Athens and Sparta, was a defining feature of Ancient Greece. This rivalry led to significant cultural, economic, and military developments in both cities, which ultimately contributed to the growth of Ancient Greece as a whole.
In conclusion, the correct answer is A) In the region where they settled, each of the tribes founded an important city-state, with Sparta and Athens standing out. This is because each tribe, upon settling in a specific region, founded a city-state that would later become a prominent entity in the Ancient Greek world.
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