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Sobre a religião dos gregos, considere as seguintes proposições:


I. “A religião dos gregos não tinha dogmas ou mandamentos. Desde que não provocasse a fúria divina, a crença era livre”.


II. “A religião pode ser considerada um grande laço de unidade cultural dos gregos, um contraponto à falta de centralização e unidade política”.


III. “Nos oráculos, os gregos consultavam os deuses, intermediados pelas sacerdotisas chamadas de pitonisas, a fim de entender seu destino”.


IV. “Os gregos não tinham preocupação com a vida após a morte. Freqüentemente os corpos eram cremados, e os cultos consistiam basicamente na oferta de sacrifício aos deuses”.



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Alright, let's get into the correct answer and explanation for this question about ancient Greek religion!

The correct answer is indeed option E) I, II, III, and IV. Now, let's break down each statement to understand why they are all correct:

I. "The Greek religion did not have dogmas or commandments. As long as it didn't provoke divine fury, the belief was free."

This is correct because ancient Greek religion was indeed characterized by a lack of dogmatic beliefs or strict commandments. The Greeks had a more flexible and personalized approach to religion, where individuals could choose their own beliefs and practices as long as they didn't offend the gods.

II. "The religion can be considered a great cultural bond of unity among the Greeks, a counterpoint to the lack of centralization and political unity."

This statement is also correct. Despite the lack of political unity among the city-states, the shared religious beliefs and practices provided a sense of cultural unity among the Greeks. They shared a common pantheon of gods, mythological stories, and rituals that transcended regional differences.

III. "In the oracles, the Greeks consulted the gods, intermediated by priestesses called pythias, to understand their destiny."

This is correct as well. The ancient Greeks did consult oracles, which were believed to be intermediaries between humans and the gods. The priestesses, known as pythias, would interpret the oracle's responses to provide guidance on various matters, including one's destiny.

IV. "The Greeks did not have a concern with life after death. Frequently, bodies were cremated, and the cults consisted mainly of offering sacrifices to the gods."

Lastly, this statement is also correct. The ancient Greeks did not have a strong belief in an afterlife or a concept of heaven and hell. Instead, they focused on living a virtuous life and honoring the gods through rituals and sacrifices. Cremation was a common practice, and the cults were centered around offering sacrifices to the gods to ensure their favor and protection.

In conclusion, all four statements accurately describe aspects of ancient Greek religion, making option E) the correct answer.

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