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A(o) psicóloga(o), no contexto educativo, ao conhecer as múltiplas determinações da atividade educacional, pode focar mais adequadamente em determinadas áreas de intervenção e desenvolver um trabalho envolvendo toda a comunidade escolar – professores, pais, funcionários, estudantes.

Qualquer trabalho realizado com um desses segmentos deve ter como princípio a coletividade, visando o bem de todos. A(o) psicóloga(o), ao participar do cotidiano do processo educativo, estará junto às equipes colaborando para que conhecimentos e práticas possam resultar em experiências enriquecedoras para a formação do coletivo, no qual ele está incluído. Esse processo permitirá o planejamento, desenvolvimento e avaliação de diferentes possibilidades de intervenção.

Não é campo de atuação o Psicólogo Escolar:

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When considering the multiple determinations of educational activity, psychologists, in the educational context, can focus more adequately on specific areas of intervention and develop a comprehensive work involving the entire school community - teachers, parents, staff, and students.

Any work done with one of these segments must have as a principle the collective, aiming for the well-being of all. By participating in the daily educational process, the psychologist is alongside the teams, collaborating so that knowledge and practices can result in enriching experiences for the formation of the collective, where they are included. This process allows for planning, development, and evaluation of different intervention possibilities.

The correct answer is E) Consider the dimension of production of subjectivity, approximating the clinical model. This is because the psychologist's role goes beyond just working with educators, intervening in inclusive education, or conducting activities with student groups. It also involves listening and guiding families, as well as considering the subjective dimension of individuals. By doing so, the psychologist can create a more comprehensive and inclusive approach to educational psychology.

In this sense, the psychologist's work is not limited to a specific area, but rather is interconnected and involves the entire educational community. By considering the dimension of production of subjectivity, the psychologist can better understand the complexities of each individual and develop more effective interventions. This approach is essential in promoting a more inclusive and comprehensive educational environment.

Therefore, option E is the correct answer because it highlights the importance of considering the subjective dimension in educational psychology, which is a crucial aspect of the psychologist's role in the educational context.

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