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No documento de Referências Técnicas para Atuação de Psicólogos na Educação Básica, elaborado pelo Conselho Federal de Psicologia, no ano de 2013, encontram-se conteúdos em relação à discussão sobre temática das políticas públicas em educação e psicologia escolar. De acordo com as normas técnicas, a discursão dessa temática é recente no campo da psicologia escolar e educacional, sendo de fundamental importância para a atuação do profissional da área. Sobre a temática em relações de políticas públicas em educação e psicologia escolar, assinale a afirmativa INCORRETA.

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The correct answer is option D) Em relação à discussão sobre políticas públicas em educação e psicologia escolar pode-se afirmar que,, a despeito de não serem denominadas de políticas públicas, muitas nas esferas dos estados e municípios não passam de programas de governo e que, em muitos casos, sofrem devido à falta de continuidade.

This option is the correct one because it highlights the fact that many public policies in education and school psychology are not actually policies, but rather government programs that lack continuity. This is a common issue in many states and municipalities, where programs are implemented without a clear long-term strategy or sustainable funding, leading to a lack of continuity and effectiveness.

The other options are incorrect because they do not address the specific issue of public policies in education and school psychology. Option A) is too broad and does not provide a clear understanding of the issue, while option B) is too focused on the epistemological and finalistic aspects of psychology and education. Option C) is also incorrect because it does not provide a clear understanding of the issue and is too focused on the educators' perspectives.

In the context of the Document of Technical References for the Action of Psychologists in Basic Education, it is essential to understand the importance of public policies in education and school psychology. The discussion around public policies is recent in the field of school psychology and education, and it is fundamental for the action of professionals in the area. Therefore, it is crucial to identify the correct answer as option D), which highlights the issue of lack of continuity in public policies in education and school psychology.

In conclusion, the correct answer is option D) because it addresses the specific issue of public policies in education and school psychology, highlighting the lack of continuity in many states and municipalities. This understanding is essential for professionals in the area to develop effective strategies and interventions that can promote positive change in the education system.

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